General enquiries

Entry requirements
Before applying for a trial please check that your swimmer meets the squad entry requirements.
C squad – aged 8 and over. Able to complete 100m front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke and 25m butterfly. Able to dive in at the deep end and push and glide on both back and front. Swimmers will be expected to attend training on Tuesday and Thursday.
B squad – aged 10 and over. Competent in all 4 strokes and able to swim 400m. Able to tumble turn on back and front and complete a racing dive. Swimmers will be expected to attend training on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
A squad – Aged 13 and over. Competent in all 4 strokes and able to swim 2500m in an hour.
Entry requirements
Before applying for a trial please check that you meet the following entry requirements:
Masters – competent in 3 strokes and able to swim 2,500m in an hour.
Triathletes – able to swim 2000m in an hour.
Entry requirements
Before applying for a trial please check that your child meets the following entry requirements.
Aged 10 and over. Able to swim at least 100m and confident in deep water. Players will be expected to attend training on Wednesday 8:00-9:00pm.